Guru Vandana by Swami Rama


Shruti Sarita draws its inspiration from H.H. Dr. Swami Rama (1925-1996). He was a luminous personality of the last century, a Himalayan Master, whose guiding light continues to illumine the path of thousands of spiritual seekers across the world. Swami Rama was one of the greatest yogis who volunteered himself to be studied by the scientists at Menninger Foundation, USA in the early 1970s. He was ordained as Shankaracharya or the Pontiff of Karveer Peetham at a young age of 23 years. He was a great philosopher, author and humanitarian apart from being a doctor-professor of homeopathic medicine, who also held a high order in martial arts.

He is distinguished himself as an adept in Hindustani classical music. He said that music is the soul of spirituality. He played the table, the tanpura, and the harmonium with as much ease as he rendered his soulful voice to the many songs that flowed from him. He brought tears into the eyes of the listeners when he sung Guru-Vandana on the All India Radio. Swamiji advocated that Hindustani classical music is therapeutic and can be used as a preventive therapy or cure.  He used music to recover himself from a head injury in which he had lost his speech. 

He taught that creatively expressing oneself through art and music enriches one’s life.  He encouraged people to sing or play an instrument.

Apart from his Guru, Bangali Baba, he met, learnt from and was inspired by many great personalities such as  Mahatma Gandhi, Sri Aurobindo, and Rabindranath Tagore.

He founded the Himalayan Institute Hospital Trust (HIHT) and Sadhana Mandir Trust (SMT). He laid great emphasis on providing health services and education to the people of Uttarakhand.  He also set up a rural development wing to cater to the socio-economic needs of the un-served population including women, children, adolescents and the differently abled. Out of the many books authored by him, Living with the Himalayan Masters continues to be a bestseller until this day.