Data protection and your privacy is extremely important to us. As a Trust, Shurti Sarita Art is committed to protect your privacy and any personal information you provide us with. Correspondingly, when you use our website, you agree to be bound by the "Terms and Conditions”.

This Privacy Policy describes various sources of collecting information and its usage. The terms of the Policy may change, so please do check it from time to time.

Policy dated 20th August, 2020.

  1. 1. Policy Overview
  • 1.1 Typically, the sources of collection of personal information are many; such as name, place, date of birth, postal / email address, telephone / mobile number, bank details for funds transfers, your feedback etc. Some of them are enlisted below but not restricted to:
    • - Virtual visits in digital space e.g. our website and social media pages
    • - Financial support e.g. donations, sponsorship of event/s, project, research
    • - Enquiry about us and our activities through social media, chat application e.g. whatsapp, telephone/mobile conversations, direct emails, etc.
    • - Participation in our activities
    • - Details received from an individual or an organization you are connected and / or acquainted with
    • - Personal information is provided directly
  • 1.2 The personal information collected, processed or used is guarded in conformity with privacy policy. Whenever you provide personal information, you are agreeable to the collection, assemblage and use of information in line with the policy, including usage of cookies.
  • 1.3 The information collected is valuable for administration and management purposes, to support and provide information requested by you, improve our products and services, contact you directly about future event, seek your support through donations / event sponsorship, carry forward the aims and objectives of the Trust including charitable and fundraising activities, etc. Nonetheless, you can always contact us to opt out from receiving any future communications
  1. 2. Policy Details
  • 2.1 Process of collecting personal information

Personal information is solicited when an enquiry is made by you, you connect with us through various mediums including our patrons and/or sponsors, register or sign up for an activity, make a donation, and provide inputs / feedback etc.

  • 2.2 External / other sources to collect personal information

To improve our reach, services and fundraising efforts, in line with the objective of our Trust, we also collect information about you from external / other sources and combine it with 2.1 above with a purpose to gain a better understanding of our viewers, audiences, participants and supporters. The personal information collected from external / other sources include, but are not limited to:

    • - Event registration and attendance
    • - Communication details we send to or receive from you
    • - Professional information about education, occupation and activities
    • - Complementary information on disposition and capacity besides, your charitable interests and activities to support our aims and objectives
  • 2.3 Sensitive Information

Information collected from you may include sensitive personal data. It will be used in accordance with the policy and on a need basis only. At all times, necessary measures will be taken to safeguard information and its confidentiality.

  • 2.4 Usage of information

Contingent to our interactions and relationship, the personal information provided by you will be used in diverse ways and for different purposes. Some of them are enlisted below but not restricted to:

    • - Process any payments into your bank account to fulfil our contractual and moral obligations
    • - Process and acknowledge your financial support by way of donations, sponsorship, membership, and etcetera
    • - Process your enquiry, registration, sign up for schemes etcetera
    • - Commensurate to interactions and relationship, activity and/or event, communicate and share information with and/or update you
    • - Send appropriate communication; and of your interest to ensure optimum utilization of our marketing and fundraising resources
    • - Request you to partake surveys and market study
    • - Profile, create customer segmentation to study and expand our understanding of audience and contributor behavior
  • 2.5 Opt out of marketing and other communications

In our endeavor to fulfill the aims and objectives of the Trust, we will contact and stay in touch with you and share information about upcoming events, request you to join as a participant, supporter, sponsor, patron or friend, make a donation, support us miscellaneously. If you would prefer to opt out of receiving information, please contact us.

  • 2.6 Sharing of information

Except as stated in 2.4 (Usage of information) of this policy, your personal information will not be disclosed, unless required to do so by law or obliged for functioning of our Trust e.g. Event management company. In such situations, we take a non-disclosure undertakings from the third party. Other than as mentioned above, your information will not be shared without your express consent (written / verbal).

  • 2.7 Keeping personal information safe

In order to protect personal information, suitable technical controls and monitoring is ensured. The personal information provided by you is held securely and is used for purposes as stated in this policy. Some of our partners and vendors who provide operational support are outside India. We take steps to ensure data protection in compliance with Indian law. When you submit personal information to us, you also agree to this transfer, storing or processing at a location outside India.

When you choose or we give you a password to enable access to certain parts of our website or social pages, you are accountable for keeping the password confidential. Do not share a password with anyone. Although we do our best to protect your personal information, the transmission of information via the internet is not completely secure; any transmission is at your own risk. We cannot guarantee the security of your information transmitted to our site. In case of any anomaly, please bring it our notice, we will use strict security features and procedures and try to prevent unauthorized access.

  • 2.8 Keeping information up to date.

Our endeavor is ensure accuracy and keep your personal information up to date. If you become mindful of inaccuracies or errors, please email Wherever possible we leverage publicly available sources to keep your records up to date; we would really appreciate it if you could let us know if your contact details change.

  • 2.9 Links

Our website contains links to other websites. We do not take responsibility for the privacy practices of those websites. It is suggested that read their own privacy policies.