
Artist: Shri Rupak Mitra

Event: RagaRagini #Livebhaithak#12, 30th August, 2020

Rupakji hails from a music oriented family in Behala, Kolkotta and received his preliminary training on tabla from his father Mr. Rash Behari Mitra. He found his first Guru, Sri Sajal Karmakar of Farukhabad Gharana in 1990 who taught and mentored for close to 13 years.  In 2003, Rupakji became a disciple of the legendry Pt. Samar Saha of Benaras Gharana and continues to receive guidance from Panditji.  Rupakji M. Phil from Rabindra Bharati University and a B graded Musician in All India Radio, Kolkata.  Besides winning several awards and medals, he has performed in India and abroad.