We are a young, nonprofit (NGO), registered Trust in Rishikesh.  Your patronage and financial support are extremely important to us.  Financial contributions will be put to a noble cause and will go a long a way in our endeavor to promote Indian classical music & fine arts, help & support young and upcoming artists and charity.

We invite you to be an integral part of our journey.  Contribute through donations or sponsorship on any of the following: --

    1. - Provide opportunity to artists in both, physical and digital space to showcase their talent, besides the efforts towards sustainability of upcoming artists.
    2. - Continue with Shruti Sarita Art key musical events - Raga Melodies and RagaRagini
    3. - Conduct musical retreats for young musicians under the tutorship of talented / established Indian Classical Musicians
    4. - Shruti Sarita Art charity
    5. - Projects / Research