Artist: Aditya Nirmal

Event: RagaRagini 2021 Series, 1st May 2021

Initiated into music by his mother, Shri Aditya Nirmal, started learning music at the tender age of three. A year later, he started learning under the tutelage of PanditSamaresh Chowdhury till 2019.  Besides performing in India and abroad and managing his institute SahajSangeetShikha, Aditya ji has undertaken several spiritual projects and is an active member of Sahaja Yoga of MatajiNirmala Devi.

Though blinded in an accident in 2013, Aditya ji continued to pursue his academic career and classical music pursuits.  He is All India Radio artist of all India radio Kolkata.  Multilinguistic, he is fluent in Bengali, Urdu, Hindi and English.